dimanche 5 avril 2009

20090403: Andrew Wallis, KagÔme propaganda agent against France.

Dear friends from the Anglo-Klaxonic world.

On April the 3rd, three so called "scholars" from UK gave a press conference in Kigali, invited by the KagÔmo-pharaÔnic government. The apparent goal was to give a golden medal to the Gacaca justice system in Rwanda, preparing the closure of the Arusha ICTR. The real goal was to criticize France for its so called genocidary involvment in Rwanda 1990-1994. Andrew Wallis, a former journalist, who decided to study on a Britsch University after his journalistic research in the Great Lake countries AFTER the events, gave his support to PharaÔn KagÔme by criticizing France. Agaculama News Agency received this nice pic, taken by an old device, from a brother, a real Rwandan bat who's a freelance journalist, and who regularly flies above the Niouw-Rouwanda. Look to this guy ! He has the ears of somebody who listens carefully... a real searcher. He has the nose of an intellectual who has the sixth sense... "qui a du flair"... a real searcher. But what did he search, really? What did he receive from the terroristic regime in Kigali?

According to the "Oxford Dictionary of Surnames" (1996), the name "WALLIS" is derived from the Scots, Irish and English name "WALLACE", derived from the old Norman French "WALEIS" that gave the English word "WEALTH", meaning "FOREIGN". In different parts of Britain this term was used to denote variouslu Scotsmen, Welschmen, and Bretons, as well as the small pocket of Strathclyde Britons who persisted into the Middle Ages. English placenames containing "wealth" (Walcot, Walden, Walford, Wallington.. .) are believed to refer to enclaves of Welsh-speaking people noted by the Anglo-Saxons. The surname "WALLACE" and derived surnames have also been adopted in the 19th and 20th centuries as an Anglicized form of various Ashkenazic Jewish surnames. That means that "WALLIS" is not really a name of Anglo-Saxonic origin, but, you know, dear friends, there are mercenaries worldwide, like RDF in Baghdad !

Agaculama News Agency.

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